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May 2019 Update

Olivier Tassinari. June 8, 2019.

Here are the most significant improvements in May:

  • πŸŽ‰ We released Material-UI v4 stable during the React Europe conference. You can find the details in our blog post πŸ“ and a quick introduction in this 5 minutes talk.
  • πŸ› We have made two subsequent releases after v4.0.0, containing a significant number of fixes (v4.0.1 and v4.0.2).

But this summary is just scratching the surface. We have accepted 206 commits from 78 different contributors. We have changed 3,031 files with 96,616 additions and 85,768 deletions.

Our roadmap intent for June

(We'll do our best, no guarantee!)

  • We will release an improved Slider component with range support. You can already preview it.


  • We will work on a new Tree View component. You can already preview it.

Tree View

  • We will add more themes to the premium theme marketplace.
  • We will start exploring how we can provide style adapters in v5 (styled-components, JSS, linaria, naked, etc.)
  • We will experiment around advisory offerings for enterprises. If you are an enterprise and are looking for one of the following:
    • A dedicated communication channel giving priority access to Material-UI engineers.
    • Architecture Reviews. Sit down with a Material-UI engineer and walk through all aspects of your Material-UI project and current tech stack or architecture, to identify issues and opportunities for improvement.

You can contact us at

  • ❓ Please upvote our GitHub issues if you want something specific. The number of πŸ‘ helps us to prioritize.